The First Outpouring

Mar 15, 2023    Pastor Tom Arnould

One of the most referred to chapters in all of the New Testament is Acts 2. There's many ways people might know this chapter: some refer to it as the "birthday of the church", the beginning of the Church Age. Others might better know it as the day the Holy Spirit was first outpoured upon the church. Either way, it is certainly an important chapter of the Acts of the Apostles and is tremendously impactful for every church today. As John the Baptist spoke of Jesus, "He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with fire." Other passages such as Isaiah or the Gospels speak of how this outpouring would be a significant event for the church. I'd like to take some time to enjoy going through this chapter and eventually ones to follow, with the reminder that we are still living in the book of Acts -- the Church Age.